2023, week 16

week in Cancun, Mexico

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Apr 19, 2023 Tagged: weekly

Monday, 2023-04-17 to Sunday, 2023-04-23

Holidaying in Cancun, Mexico. Visited Mayan ruins at Chichin Itza.

Flew back through BWI.


2023-04-19 Started using Ruff to lint python files.

2023-04-21 Learning about Hypermedia Systems, htmx - high power tools for html this week and _hyperscript (see _hyperscript Cheatsheet).

HTMX meme

Lume, the static site generator for Deno appears to be a nice alternative to writing my own small static generator script (again!) using the sitebuild script. This way I get to learn typescript, while using it for something meaningful.

2023-04-22 Reading Unlock the Power of Asynchronous Programming in Python with asyncio

coroutines fn have to be wrapped with asyncio.run(fn()) to be executed, otherwise a RuntimeWarning will be thrown:

RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'main' was never awaited
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

Social networks

Nostr, a simple protocol for decentralizing social media that has a chance of working found it via unclebob/more-speech: A Nostr browser in Clojure. which is using xtdb