
Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Nov 04, 2023 Tagged: python · utility

Today, I had to create a paste a table of values into a JIRA ticket and I had a csv file. There are different ways to “paste” a nicely formatted table into a JIRA WYSIWYG text area, I’m sure.. but none of them fast enough to type: $csv2html source.csv destation.html. So, I wrote one.

You can find it here https://github.com/btbytes/csv2html. The help is self explanatory:

$./csv2html.py -h
usage: csv2html.py [-h] [--delimiter DELIMITER] [--quotechar QUOTECHAR]
                   [--title TITLE] [--caption CAPTION] [--header]

CSV to HTML converter.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Field delimiter. Default is , .
  --quotechar QUOTECHAR
                        Quote Character. Deault is nothing
  --title TITLE         Page title. Will be printed in h1 tag.
  --caption CAPTION     Table caption.
  --header              data has header. First row will be "th".

Ideally, I’d have liked to use the pandoc-csv2table pandoc filter. But, installing this filter using cabal and stack turned out to be disappointing. So instead of figuring out how to compile and install these Haskell packages, I wrote this script.

I can still do some improvements to this script, like:

  1. adding an -o --output flag to write the output to a file instead of stdout.
  2. override the css

But, that’s for another day.