Org Mode

notes on the venerable markup format for emacs.

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Dec 16, 2020 Tagged: emacs · writing · programming · tools

In some users view, org-mode is itself reason enough to learn to use emacs, even if you don’t use it for anything else (programming).


GitHub - nobiot/Zero-to-Emacs-and-Org-roam: Step by step guide from zero to installing and setting up Emacs and Org-roam on Windows 10

Org mode for writing web documents

While Org-mode is used by many people as an organizer, TODO list tracker, journal etc., I’m interested in it as primarily as a markup language that can be extended. This is is primary area where I want to become good at vis-a-vis orgmode (Jan 2020).

web document friendly CSS themes

See my Org-simple CSS theme page.

Blogging with Org mode

Org Libraries

My notes

  • the metadata tags at the top of the document start with #+TAG: value format. That is “hash plus tag colon value” format.
  • use the - character for un numbered lists
  • what are the keyboard shortcuts to type blocks like EXAMPLE and CODE. Typing C-c C-, brings up a menu using which i could select an src block or an example block.