Monday, May 29 2023

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Nov 04, 2023 Tagged: useless · serverless · python

Discovered, an online development environment; related project WebContainers - Dev environments. In your web app. | WebContainers via HN. Looks like a good playground to try out various javascript related frameworks and stuff.

What is a common name for online services like stackblitz, railway, vercel, etc? I asked ChatGPT4 and it told me this:

Online services like StackBlitz, Vercel,,, and others are commonly referred to as “Cloud Development Platforms” or “Serverless Platforms”. They provide various functionalities such as real-time online coding environments, deployment, hosting, and scaling of web applications, among others. These services essentially make it easier for developers to build, test, and deploy their applications, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. As a result, they can focus more on writing the code and less on managing servers, hence the term “serverless”. Additionally, they could also be grouped under terms like “Continuous Deployment Services”, “Cloud Application Platforms”, or “Platform as a Service (PaaS)” depending on their specific features and functionalities.

I’m going with serverless because it is a recognizable short name, though I don’t think it is really “server less” (just someone else’s servers).

What’s up in the Python community?; a good coverage of recent python stuff in one place (blog subline - “nobody has time for python” nice!) . And as the authors says, giving up your autonomy to a platform is more work in the long run if you want to regain full control

Watched a documentary about a 1% Sake maker.

Industrial Civilization Needs a Biological Future by Adam

Why I prefer making useless stuff - Austin Z. Henley

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

Barik, Titus. “Expressions on the nature and significance of programming and play,” 2017.

Through our inquiry, we discovered that programming and play is expressed and reflected through a multiplicity of metaphors, among them: play as artistry, play as tinkering, play as playgrounds, and play as anti-work. These contemporary metaphors provide a telescope through which we are able to reflect and relate to programming and play within our own lives—as practitioners, as researchers, as hobbyists, as parents and grandparents, and as role models.

As tool designers, the stories shared by authors of Hacker News reveal the need for playful experiences within software development environments—experiences that allow program- mers to spontaneously and creatively express their ideas to code, to provide safe playgrounds for experimentation, and to support tinkering as a purposeless, ludic activity. Perhaps most importantly, these stories remind us that despite our busy and often hurried day-to-day lives, it’s important for all of us to make time for play.