Monday, April 24 2023

Created: by Pradeep Gowda Updated: Nov 17, 2023

  1. Going to move from weekly note taking to a daily journal style. I’m also using obsidian’s “Daily Notes” plugin which puts a button on the side bar, clicking which opens up an empty file or existing day’s journal file to write on.

  2. Starting today I’m going to take a twitter break. Twitter has gotten lot better with their “For You” tab. I’ve noticed they appear to be using bookmarks as input to improve that feed. This is good, a bit too good. I needed to get off twitter for a while to get stuff done IRL.

  3. What’s on my mind for the next week:

    • PostgreSQL optimization techniques for a potential consulting opportunity.
    • Coming up with a few ideas for “100 page books” ( perhaps the above “postgresql optimization techniques” can be a good topic. There appears to be a book by that name, but I haven’t seen its contents, and starting with very “simple but not obvious” optimizations like indexing, normalization, understanding ORM and its effects.. and walking up the ladder to query optimization, using various flavors of PG, including cloud provider ones.. might turn out to be a good exercise and a book!)
    • I want to hang out my shingle as the Principal of Frontmatter Inc, and for that I want to create an EIN, get a bank account etc.
    • submit more résumés and follow up on interviews I did with a streaming company ;)